
Stro'Knor Macekiller

Monday, March 23, 2015

Moog of Marrow Moor

Moog of Marrow Moor is yet another of my all-time favorite Citadel models (the name is mine... think he was called Hill Troll with Club it the adverts)! I took advantage of the 40x40mm base to add a few more details than many of my rank and file.

I'm keeping an eye on eBay to try and get Moog some friends to back him up...


  1. those trolls are great figures - full of character and a bit of humour too. And nicely painted!

  2. Man, I love these old troll models.
    Superb paintjob.

  3. Just caught up with the blog, some awesome work you've been doing. I like your step by step on the legacy figure. I do all the same techniques, just not as well. Nice to see I'm on the right track. Seeing your version of this Troll almost makes me want to repaint mine.

  4. I love it , nice miniature and beautiful painting !!!

  5. wow, that is one good looking troll, in an ugly looking kinda way :p
