
Stro'Knor Macekiller

Thursday, May 14, 2015


I really love this model with the flamer...

I had to hand paint the 'U' on the knee because this guy is so badass he doesn't need the right shoulder guard!

This is also my 100th post on the Macekiller blog... Hard to believe I only launched this site five months ago! To celebrate I'm offering a give away of a rare Imperial Bodyguard (Adeptus Custodes) model...

To be eligible you need to comment on this post AND be a follower of this blog. One week from now I'll put all the names in a hat and have my lovely wife draw one at random and send this guy out to the lucky winner!


  1. Thats one of my favourite old marine figures, he's just so cool!. Congrats on the hundred posts!

  2. Congrats on the ton up, you've been very prolific! And what a great paint job on a lovely model to celebrate it.

  3. Your blog is going from strength to strength keep up the good work, I can't wait to see what goodness you come up with next :)

  4. a very cool figure indeed - and well painted to boot

  5. Not a big fan of your 40K, following more because of the fantasy stuff, but nonetheless great painting!

  6. You know you are a bad ass marine when you don't need to be fully armored.

  7. You are inspiring me to dig out all my old 40k and fantasy lead and get them painted. Keep up the excellent work!

  8. Agreed with all of the above...the quality of your work is high and the speed is very impressive. Keep up the good work!

  9. Loving these Ultramarines! I like the flames on this chap's leg :)


  10. Wow that's gone quick! Congrats on the 100 mate, it'll be 1,000 before you know it. I love the 30K stuff too but I'd also like to see some more fantasy. Keep it up!

  11. Congrats on 100 posts, all quality I may add.

  12. Awesome! Can't wait to see the next 100 posts! Brilliant figure as well.

  13. Wow, 100 posts already. Good job.

    I for one can't wait to see all these womble masked marines together in one unit. They're really bringing back some memories.

  14. Loving all the work here, and a generous giveaway to boot!

  15. Particularly enjoying the 40k re-read at the moment! Congratulations on making it to 100 posts. I have you on my Feedly list but I'm not sure that counts as following ... never mind!

  16. I'm calling this now since we've done almost two days without further entries... 15 entries... I had my wife roll some dice...
    D6 to divide the list into three groups of five and D10 to generate the winner from five...

    D6 result = 5 = last third, entries 11-15
    D10 result = 4 / 2 = second of five, entry 12...

    airbornegrove26... Congrats! Get in touch me at so I can send you your prize!

    Thanks to everyone who commented! I'll do this again when I hit 200 posts!

  17. YAY I WON I WON!!!!! I will e-mail you later today. Thanks. ;)

    1. Congrats! Hope to see it painted up soon! ;)
