
Stro'Knor Macekiller

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Dwarfs in 2016

Just picked this up on eBay...

This was one of the first Warhammer boxed sets I ever owned. I have long been planning to add a 'good' army to my Oldhammer collection and the Dwarves have always been one of my favorite. Inspired by Jaeckel's stunning and successful project, I decided 2016 would be the year of the Dwarf.

I apologize in advance to any Oldhammer collectors I may go up against on eBay (really, really soon) and do not begrudge any who defeat me on the field of battle.. err.. bidding.


  1. Bring your Big Boy bids....lets rumble!

    Seriously though...looking forward to this project!

  2. Sounds like a fun project! Looking forward to the progress. ;)

  3. Yeah, dwarfs, excellent choice :) looking forward to seeing the progress on this project too.

  4. Damn... went from 0 dwarfs to over 180 dwarfs in two days... might have gone overboard!
