
Stro'Knor Macekiller

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Making a Start on the Tub Towers

Just a quick shot - construction is complete on my project for the Rogue Trader Control Tower Challenge!

The effect is a little taller and more spindly than the old RT inspiration, but these were the tubs I had on hand which was the point of the exercise. These are going to very fast to paint as 90% of the work will be several layers of spray paint. I'll pick a few details in other colors and then use an oil dot filter to 'grunge' them up a bit. You can't see it in the photo, but I masked off windows at the top of the taller towers with airbrush frisket. After the painting is finished, I'll remove the masks and have completed windows. You also can't see that I scored cracks and bullet holes in the plastic, but hopefully the paint will show these things off.

Should be finished in a couple of days...


  1. I feel you are stealing my plans for an alien power station for Gates of Antares :-)

  2. Looking good. I've got plans for some kind of space building made from a Listerine bottle. What are you basing them on? Foamcore?
