
Stro'Knor Macekiller

Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween

Well, I only manged to finish twenty zombies instead of thirty. Work was just crazy in October.

The standard bearer is a minor conversion of one of the Citadel Skeletons. I used green stuff to bulk up his limbs and fill in the hollows of his cheeks. I think I'm going to go back into the standard and paint a slogan or something to make it a little cooler. I still want this mob at thirty so I'll try to add more between all of the other projects I'm juggling.

On another note, providing my own treat for the holiday, I stumbled on an 'in blister' Test Bed Slave today on eBay while looking for a Citadel Fantasy Adventurers box set (which I also bought). The auction was listed as 'Warhammer 40000 Adventurers', and why not? That's what it says on the package! My normal search has been for 'Rogue Trader Adventurers' and has been fruitless for months. I often search different words for the same item (including mis-spellings - it is amazing how many entries are out there for Slaan and Rouge Trader), but it was pure luck I found this. That model completes my Rogue Trader Adventurer collection. Huzzah!

Sturmgeshutz and Sorcery coming up in a few days. The comic format is more work than it appears... Hats off to those who treat us with these on a regular basis!