
Stro'Knor Macekiller

Saturday, November 11, 2017


 Yep. I pre-ordered the box set today and the additional Gang War rulebook. I'm slightly sketched that the second book is not part of the main set because I doubt I'll play a single game on the cardboard tiles, but the box is the best way to get the models if you intend to get both gangs.

The basic set is meant to be played as a board game and only contains the core rules. The Gang Wars book has the campaign rules.

Something I'm even more sketched about is both only include rules for TWO gangs - the Goliaths and Esher. I get that this is the same treatment sets like Bloodbowl got. The fact that this game is receiving support will cause me to overlook this. My option is to NOT buy it...

Yeah, right.

I'm willing to bet Necromunda is hands down my favorite game of all time. I bought EVERYTHING they made for the first edition of the game. Yes, I could happily play Necromunda with all of my old stuff until doomsday, but there is something about being able to walk into my FLGS and pick up new stuff for my favorite game.

Anyway, I am really looking forward to this. All I can say is "Hurry up and take my money, GW! What took you so long?" You can check out pics of a small sample of my old collection here...


  1. Your old collection looks cool - there are supposed to be rules published to allow you to use the older gangs. I missed this in the 90s (lack of cash) so I'll be buying the living snot out of this. GW are slowly drawing me back...

    1. Yeah, I love the new models. Plus they are promising to cover all of the old gangs and add more hired guns, psykers, and even non-coms like water-sellers, gunsmiths, dock workers, etc.

  2. Right there with you- Necromunda is not only my favorite game GW have ever produced, its their best game (the setting, the freedom to create and tell stories, the combat and following phase- it just works). I did miss a lot of stuff when it became available originally (being as I only had started in the hobby and was 15 at the time), but I have amassed a sizable collection of the original models thanks to trades and eBay.
    While I passed on ordering the dice and the gang cards (the cards I'll likely buy later on), I pre-ordered the Underhive box, the Gangwar book, a box each of the new style barricades and bulkheads, and a few more bases than I would like to admit to.

  3. That is an amazing collection. I have to agree that all the gangs only coming with the 2nd book is not ideal, but it follows the GW pattern.

    Can't wait!

    1. I think the second book only has Goliaths and Esher too... I haven't seen any info on the format in which the other gangs will be released.

      That's ok though as it saves me having to buy six gangs (plus the fringe groups like Ratskins, Scavies, etc) at once...

      There are also no juves in the initial kits, but there are rules for them in the second book so we'll being seeing additional models for even the first gangs.

  4. I'm still dubious about this new version. I caught the Necromunda bug after playing at Kublacon. The new models, while not horrible, haven't really given me the feels. I'm also not sure that any of my friends are willing to play it so I don't need another big box game that I'm never going to play. I will however enjoy seeing your paint jobs on these. So win win?

  5. Thanks for this, Macekiller. I haven't been following the new Necromunda until now. With its board-map and dedicated dice, it sort of reminds me of Star Wars Imperial Assault by FFG. I guess boardgame/wargame hybrids are now the big thing.

    1. I just bought enough Zone Mortalis boards (9) to play this version of the game without resorting to the need for the cardboard tiles.

      I know, I know... it's an illness, I think...

  6. Sounds like the same treatment Blood Bowl got only worse. The blood bowl "campaign book" at least got like 6 teams or so but other than changes you could write on a cocktail napkin (some of which got changed immediately back) it was pretty much a copy of the rule committee stuff from before. It is a year later and they have not even released all those teams. Did get another "campaign" book but it was essentially a waste of money in my opinion. Hopefully Necro will get more real support but give GW frantic release rate all over the map I would not hold my breath.

    1. I'm not sure Bloodbowl and Necromunda are in the same sphere when it comes to the popularity of these games, but yeah the only way I don't think this is huge for GW is if they fail to support it.

    2. Not sure what you mean here. Blood Bowl had an active player base through all the years of GW neglect including multiple annual 80 or so player events in the US and Europe plus a World Cup Event.

    3. Heh... a debate on the net through soundbite sized exchanges is like a land war in Asia. We could absolutely have this chat over a beer...

    4. Outside that issue, I would be pretty wary of it. Looking at the release you essentially get the whole game at 185 dollars (Base game, Campaign Book, and the 2 card packs since they are not the same cards as in the base game). Ofcourse the miniatures look very customizable so you might even need an extra set of each to cover all the upgrade options and such. That is a big investment for a skirmish game to only have 2 factions.

    5. Also take note that next week preorders for the next Blood bowl book come out where they take the last two books, appears to add a couple of random articles from white dwarf, probably some pitch rules from the custom team pitchs, and a maybe a few new things to sell again to people at probably 50 dollars. Probably would be fine if I did not already spend 50 dollars on the two earlier books being reprinted in this one.
