
Stro'Knor Macekiller

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Gorthon Goremange, Champion of Chaos

I'm not a huge fan of the Marauder Chaos Warriors and there is nothing particularly Nurgly about him, but this model is just crazy looking (and he was in my original collection)...

He may be demoted to a Chaos Marauder if I decided to collect a second unit, but for now he will march with the Chaos Warriors.


  1. Really enjoying your Oldhammer projects. Each new figure is a delight.

  2. I really like your color choices on this one. This figure is one of my favorites. I have both the foot and mounted versions.

  3. Thanks, guys. I've spent the last few years painting furiously to finish armies and the more sedate pace I've taken in this project and the subject matter itself has allowed me more creativity than I've exercised in the past. It's been fun.

    I have no doubt that something will catch my interest in the future and I'll be back to churning out legions, but even if (when) that happens, I plan to continue to make time to add to my Oldhammer and Rogue Trader collections.

  4. He's actually one of my favourite Chaos Warrior, ever! I call him the "grinning psycho". Very nice work.

  5. he's great, I like that shade of green armour
