
Stro'Knor Macekiller

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Natasha's Luck, Part Two

Here is a quick of shot of the progress on Natasha's Luck, a fast pinnace or shuttle for Warhammer 40k.

I started with a black undercoat followed by spraying it with brown from directly above and about three feet away which produced a very nice gradient across the hull. Then I used a large brush to overpaint (basically a heavy drybrush that covers the raised surfaces while leaving the lower areas the base color) with Vallejo US Field Drab. I followed this with the more traditional drybrushing of Vallejo Green Ochre. The final step so far was carefully drybrushing the sharp edges with Vallejo Dark Sand.

This thing has skipped ahead in the queue, though I have lots of stuff I'm working on in parallel (more Undead starting tomorrow)! I have quite a bit to do, but the basic hull color is finished minus one last highlight to bring out the major shapes of the hull. Next I'm going to paint in various details, use some controlled washes to add some variety to a few of the panels, and add decals before moving on to weathering...

Oh, Happy Easter!


  1. Wow she's looking amazing even in that unfinished state.

    Keep up the good work.

  2. Brilliant. And it doesn't appear that the painting was an overly onerous or difficult task either which has me inspired to do some kit bashing once I'm home after my easter holiday.

    1. It didn't take more than an hour after the spray paint dried... Most of that was applying the U.S. Field Drab because I only used a 1/2" brush. I took my time and concentrated on small areas at a time, using an 'x' pattern to eliminate brush strokes. The second and third coats only took about fifteen minutes combined.

      I'm working on adding details now which is abit more time consuming, but overall the painting has been pretty simple!

  3. Very nice :)


  4. Thanks for the clear description of the techniques! Learned something and hope to use it soon on a GI Joe Dragonhawk dropship..

    1. Thanks! There is a new WiP post due tomorrow covering the next steps...
