
Stro'Knor Macekiller

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Oldhammer Empire

These models are actually a little beyond what I consider Oldhammer as they are more firmly set in fourth edition and after, but they are one of the first armies I ever painted and the only one purchased in that era that I still own. I updated them a few years ago by rebasing, adding new flags, and generally touching up the paint.

Besides these models, there are also 7 Reiksguard Knights (normally accompanied by the Reiksmarshall to make a unit of 8), 8 Knights Panther, 24 handgunners, 16 archers, 5 Pistoleers, 6 Kislev Horse Archers, a few artillery, and various heroes and wizards that for some reason I never got around to photographing. I also have a unit of 6 Knights of Morr that I converted, but never got around to painting (but I probably have plenty of cavalry already). I need to think about taking some new photos...

I need to get ten crossbowmen to make a 'legal' 3rd edition list, but I need to play around with these and see how many points I can come up with. Hmm... actually I already have ten models from Pizarro's Lost Legion that I could assemble as crossbowmen (they could be built with pikes or crossbows)... I found them during the same search that turned up the rhino kit (and with the same surprise... what's in this box?). I wonder if you can have too many models?

Ok, now I am excited to add these into the rotation with all of these Chaos and Undead models (toddles off to make an army list). Oh, yeah... I also have some Bretonnians on the way!


  1. I think these figures do fit in with oldhammer - after all they were released to fit 3rd edition WFB even though from what I can recall GW published stripped down rules for them in white dwarf and shortly after GW released 4th edition. I had some archers (I sold them as I didn't need them) from this range and the slotta base referred to them as Bergjaeger which is as 3rd edition WFB as you can get!

  2. I'm also of the opinion that these are Oldhammer....mostly because I love them. They were released at the tail end of 3rd...but that's close enough for me...nice work!

  3. I agree with both comments above...I deem this post Oldhammer approved. I have always admired this army, I look forward to seeing it finished off with some new army shots! ;)

    Let's hear some sweet army fluff as well.

  4. Thanks, guys... Yes, they are mostly pre-fourth edition. I originally had a mercenary contingent of Nulner Landsknechts that I converted from the halberd models so I know my first lists with these models came from the 3rd edition army book.

    In any case, I am not completely against mixing in new models (see the Mordheim minis above). After Oldhammer is not only about using old models! Hmm... maybe it's time to write about what the old school movement means to me...

  5. I don't get too bothered by old enough. They look cool and let you make the army you want. What more do you need?

    1. Exactly. Oldhammer is as much in the mind and the style as it is in the age of the miniature IMHO.

  6. Some great memories here. I got into Warhammer right as 4th edition hit the shelves, and the Empire was my first army. I had most of these units (never got around to picking up Winged Lancers, much to my chagrin). That was a great army. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You're welcome! I'll try to get pics of the rest of the army sometime soon...
