
Stro'Knor Macekiller

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Oldhammer Empire Army - Part Two

The core of the army was made up of three large infantry units - halberdiers, handgunners, and flagellants.

I thought it was weird I only had 21 Helblitzen. Even accounting for characters I usually build to 24. Of course, I found three more in another tray in my storage box AFTER taking this photo.

In the third edition army book, you could have 0-16 Fleglers and they were deployed in units of 8, so my large unit would be two units if I used those lists. Still potent, but missile fire will be very dangerous to them in such small units.

The Handgunners are still on Goblin Green bases, so I haven't photographed them yet. When I get the time to rebase them, I'll add them here. I also have a unit of 16 Archers and 10 Crossbowmen, all on green bases...


  1. I thought this was an old school blog; we want goblin green bases!


    Very nice units there, looking forward to seeing more!

  2. Lovely. I have some Empire stuff in boxes waiting for some love. I've always felt that the Flagellants were a must have troop type for their army. The Oldhammer Speculator Effect has got me worried about ever finding any for a reasonable price.

  3. oh yes!!! some of my favorite figures! Your Halberds in particular are fantastic. and I find 21 to be a great unit size...three ranks of 7 is perfect for photography...:)

  4. Beautiful brushwork mate. The halberdiers are glorious!

  5. I'm loving the green accents with the black/yellow uniforms on the hellblitzen. The standard is really sharp, it's super crisp, but also looks like it has some paint strokes. Can you shed some light on how you did it?

  6. Thanks, guys!

    daveb, the flag was done on my PC, but I design the graphics to look like layered paint to match my painting style rather than blended airbrushing. I use CorelDraw for most of artwork.

    1. Thanks for the data. Do you print it to a transfer sheet or is there some other clever trick to get it from the computer to the model?

    2. It's printed on a good quality paper. Here's sample of Bugman's banner...

      The banner is basically folded in half and glued together with PVA. I'll have to make a tutorial because the question comes up fairly often...

  7. Looks suspiciously like a Mordheim mini mixed in there.

    1. Guilty... my original army was eight of the first sculpts. When I expanded the force (maybe fifth edition?) I wanted a larger unit because they were no longer limited to eight man units. The old models were unavailable (not the booming e-bay we find ourselves with today) so I used newer castings and mixed in some Mordheim folks. My leaders were mostly Mordheim minis too for the Witchhunter theme...
