Monday, August 22, 2016

Servants of Mars

It's been a long time since I've been able to turn my attention to Last Stand at Brandon's Star IV. I'm RT mode right now, so I'm going to run with it as long as I have the urge. Part of the defenders in the scenario come from the ranks of the Adeptus Mechanicus...

The servitor looks positively demented. I have another servitor stewing in a stripper tub (man, that sounds like more fun than it actually is) and a squad of five Confrontation Tech Gangers that will serve as Skitarii. As the Tech Priest appear to be unarmed, I'm going to equip his staff with a shield generator of some sort to lend protection to all models within 6".


  1. Always amazing to see the old models painted so well. Such character!

  2. These look great. For some reason I get a simian vibe from the third one.

  3. Damn nice, the bright red works much better than the darker tones we are used nowadays. Good job!

  4. Beautiful work! You've really brought out that gnarley Bob-Olley feeling with your paint-job. Like Suber, I think you've unleashed some great reds on these miniatures. All Praise the Machine God!

  5. Thanks, guys! I tend toward bolder colors with the RT era. The original universe was heavily influenced by Judge Dredd and the other 2000AD comics - very much from the '4-color' comic era!
