Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Bugman's Rangers - 'Owd' Tom Thyksson

Next up is the unit champion, 'Owd' Tom Thyksson. This rogue spent his youth with the pirates that haunted the port of Marienburg, where he acquired the eye-patch, peg-leg, and snappy fashion sense (check out that pimp shirt) through numerous misadventure.


  1. My absolute favourite Dwarf ever, great job!

  2. Such an awesome figure...with some sweet paintwork. ;)

  3. Did you freehand paint the shield?

    1. Yes, but I've made 'transfers' for the rest of the unit. It is too tim consuming to paint 20+ shields this way. They should be indistinguishable from the first two because I scanned these and use them as templates to make the graphics for the rest.

      I'll put up a tutorial next week with what I'm on about...

    2. Too TIME consuming... I shudder to think of the definition of the first one... 😳

  4. Hmmm.. I just realized I don't like the green fetching on the crossbow bolts. Looks like he's sporting a bad of asparagus. They are poorly defined on the sculpt and don't really read like arrows. I may have to repaint those another color..
