Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Looking Back at 2015

The blog launched on December 14, 2014, but I only managed around 5 posts that year. I am now up to 164 posts, 88 followers, and a fairly large collection of painted oldschool lead!

55 Chaos
38 Undead
70 Rogue Trader

All but 7 (2 Chaos Warriors and 5 Ultramarines) of these were painted this year! I also managed 162 models on my other site - WW2, League of Augsburg, Beyond the Gates of Antares, and a few more. But, here are just a few of the models I painted this year...

Thanks for following the blog! Lots more on the way in 2016...

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Dwarfs in 2016

Just picked this up on eBay...

This was one of the first Warhammer boxed sets I ever owned. I have long been planning to add a 'good' army to my Oldhammer collection and the Dwarves have always been one of my favorite. Inspired by Jaeckel's stunning and successful project, I decided 2016 would be the year of the Dwarf.

I apologize in advance to any Oldhammer collectors I may go up against on eBay (really, really soon) and do not begrudge any who defeat me on the field of battle.. err.. bidding.