Sunday, November 20, 2016

The State of My Oldhammer Collection

When I started this site (almost two years ago), I had a lot of Rogue Trader models that I actually purchased from the store in the 80's and 90's. However I had ZERO Warhammer Fantasy models. In the 90's I slowly replaced original purchases with newer metal models and then the plastics. I gave away all of my old fantasy stuff.

When I decided I suffered a bout of madness in those years and wanted to rebuild those old collections, I set about tracking down the old collections - both my Warhammer Empire army (built from the 'transition' period post third edition and pre fourth edition models) and Undead army were still with the guys I gave them to and they happily returned them (they moved on to plastic models too and these armies were both stored away). My Dwarves and Orcs are still with the friend I gave them to, but he wants to keep them to have something to field against me from that era. The Skaven and Chaos armies were sold on eBay, which must have been great for someone because the prices were not what we see today!

I was taking inventory of my current fantasy stock yesterday (thus the prompt for this post). I now have a fairly large collection of Warhammer Fantasy models:

Bretonnians (1000pts - all Foundry modern casts of old models - five models painted)
Chaos (2000pts - around 2000pts are painted)
Dark Elves (Mengil Manhide's Regiment of Renown)
Dwarves (3000pts - all of four models painted)
Empire (2000pts - all painted)
Slann (1000pts - ten models painted)
Undead (2250pts - 1400pts painted)

These point costs can vary greatly with the choice of characters and magic items and would likely be higher since I usually choose such things conservatively. I also have a handful of monsters (like a Chimera and Giant), random additional races (Goblins and Skaven for Chaos warbands), and random humans (Adventurers, Militia, and Villagers).

Still missing from the list of armies I want are Orcs and Goblins, Skaven, and Wood Elves. The High Elves can stay on their island (not sure why I never liked them).

I have the attention span of a small dog (SQUIRL!) and tend to switch back and forth between armies. I'm currently working on Slann (pics soon) but there's no telling what's up next!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Sturmgeshutz and Sorcery

At long last, decades in the making...

Whew! The Germans still had powerful weapons with the machineguns mounted on the halftracks and probably could have wreaked more havoc yet, but the magician was still stalking around south of the river and he had the potential to damage the vehicles (though he was hiding, now being the ONLY target left for the halftracks south of the river). There was more that happened, but either I didn't have photos or it ended up not being relevant to the story.

  • There were two trolls south of the river, and the SS managed to blow one to kingdom come with a panzerfaust, but I failed to capture the moment. 
  • The squad on the bridge riddled the archer with bullets reducing him from his starting d10 skill to d4, making him virtually useless.
  • The Evil High Priest successfully cast Summon Insects late in the game (after failing the casting rolls earlier) and followed up with Curse which made it difficult for the AC crew to shake the effects for several rounds.
  • There were two mummies that got shot to pieces by machineguns.
  • The Germans had a medic with them on the bridge that allowed rank and file soldiers to use the Wound Save chart, but all three victims of arrows failed and were killed anyway!
So how did all of this work with Donnybrook? Actually great. I'll offer some ideas in a follow up next week, though I'm considering the commercial aspects of publishing supplements so I'm not sure how detailed I should get. Let me just say if you are an experienced gamer, working out mods for Donnybrook is not all that difficult. The vehicle rules are the hardest part and I'm not sure they are right yet, though they worked very well for my solo game.

In any case, it has been a near lifelong dream to play this out on the table and I had a blast! I'm looking forward to a second round with some of my friends.