Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Oldhammer Empire Army - Part Two

The core of the army was made up of three large infantry units - halberdiers, handgunners, and flagellants.

I thought it was weird I only had 21 Helblitzen. Even accounting for characters I usually build to 24. Of course, I found three more in another tray in my storage box AFTER taking this photo.

In the third edition army book, you could have 0-16 Fleglers and they were deployed in units of 8, so my large unit would be two units if I used those lists. Still potent, but missile fire will be very dangerous to them in such small units.

The Handgunners are still on Goblin Green bases, so I haven't photographed them yet. When I get the time to rebase them, I'll add them here. I also have a unit of 16 Archers and 10 Crossbowmen, all on green bases...

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Oldhammer Empire Army - Part One

Having committed myself to Rouge Trader for 2017, of course my next posts are Oldhammer...

Actually, these models were already painted and have appeared here in low-res scans, but I finally had the chance to photograph them properly...

The last time I was serious about Warhammer I built up my Empire army around a witch hunter theme and all of the units were led by said characters...

Next up, the infantry...

Sunday, January 15, 2017

More Rogue Trader Adventurers

This year I am going to finish my RT Adventurers collection... no, really...

Mugga Hoss, Space Pirate

Natasha, Imperial Assassin

Leonardo, Renegade Cyborg

Lots more of these models on my painting table. Rogue Trader will be the focus of most of my Oldhammer work this year. It's time to roll up a new random scenario from the RT rule book too. No, I never really got around to playing the scenarios I rolled the last two years (story of my hobby life), but they DID form the basis for my collecting, painting, and modeling. I'm only lacking a dozen models from my Adventurer series and I could paint those in a couple of weeks given the right motivation. After that I'll see about the new scenario...